summer business mens suit

How Should Men in the Office Dress in Summer?

in News

As the summer sun starts shining brightly, it's time to rethink your office wardrobe to stay cool, comfortable, and professional. Dressing for the office in the summer requires balancing the need to beat the heat and maintaining a polished appearance. Here are some easy-to-follow tips on how men should dress in the office during the summer months.

How Should Men in the Office Dress in Summer?

summer mens Short Sleeve Button Down Shirt

Choose Lightweight Fabrics

When it's hot outside, choose lightweight fabrics such as cotton, linen, and seersucker. These materials allow air to circulate and help keep you cool throughout the day. Look for dress shirts, trousers, and blazers made from these fabrics to beat the summer heat.

Try Short-Sleeve or Linen Shirts

If your office dress code allows for it, consider wearing short sleeve dress shirts or button down shirts made from breathable fabrics. Linen shirts are also a great choice as they have a relaxed look and feel. Roll up the sleeves of your button-down shirts for a more casual yet polished appearance.

Lightweight Suiting

If suits are required, invest in lightweight suits made from summer-appropriate fabrics like cotton or linen blends. These suits are more breathable and comfortable than traditional wool suits. 

Consider Dressy Casual Options

Some workplaces embrace a dressy casual dress code during the summer months. You can wear polo shirt or a well-fitted short-sleeve shirt. Loafers or dressy sneakers can complement this look while keeping your feet cool.

Stick to Dress Codes

Always adhere to your office's dress code policies. If your workplace requires formal attire regardless of the weather, explore lighter fabrics and colors within those guidelines. Consult with HR or your supervisor if you have any doubts about what's appropriate.

Layering is still possible in summer. Consider wearing a lightweight mens dress vest or tuxedo vest over a dress shirt for a polished appearance that can easily be removed if needed.

Above all, dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable and confident. When you feel good in what you're wearing, it positively impacts your productivity and overall demeanor in the workplace.

Which Color is to Wear in Office in Summer?


Shirt Colors

Light Blue: A classic choice for summer, light blue shirts are versatile and pair well with various suit colors. They convey a sense of professionalism while remaining cool and comfortable.

White: Another timeless option, a crisp white shirt is fresh and clean, suitable for any business setting. Besides, ivory dress shirts can be paired with almost any suit and tie combination.

Soft Pastels: Consider shirts in soft pastel colors like pale pink, lavender, or mint green. These colors add a touch of personality while maintaining a professional appearance.

Suit Colors

Light Gray: A light gray suit is perfect for summer as it reflects heat and looks sophisticated. It pairs well with both light and dark-colored shirts and ties.

Navy Blue: A classic navy suit is a versatile choice that works well year-round. In summer, pair it with light-colored shirts and ties for a fresh look.

Beige or Khaki: For a more casual office environment, consider a beige or khaki suit. These lighter hues are stylish and comfortable for warmer weather.

Tie Colors

Lighter Shades: Choose ties in lighter shades of blue, pink, green, or yellow. These colors complement the summer season and add a pop of color to your outfit.

Subtle Patterns: Choose ties with subtle patterns like stripes or small dots for added visual interest without overwhelming your look.

Textured Ties: Consider textured ties such as linen or cotton blends. Textured ties add depth to your outfit and are suitable for summer. You can also wear mens floral ties on different special occasions. 

Paring options 

Formal Settings 

Pair a light blue shirt with a navy suit and either a light pink or light blue tie creates a classic and elegant look. It is suitable for formal settings while maintaining a summery vibe. 


Pair a white shirt with a light grey suit and a pastel-coloured tie like lavender or mint green. It is ideal for a range of office environments from formal to semi-formal 

Creative Office Settings 

A pastel shirt, such as pale pink, with beige or khaki suit and a light blue or yellow tie strikes a stylish yet casual balance. This combination is perfect for creative industries or casual Fridays. 

Final Words 

Whether you're aiming for classic elegance, sophisticated refinement, or relaxed creativity, selecting the right colors can elevate your office attire while keeping you comfortable and stylish in warm weather. Tailor your choice based on your workplace culture and personal style preferences to make a lasting impression with your summer office wardrobe. Order office-appropriate summer attire from DiBanGuStore.